Thread Club
Weeks Dye Works - Cotton Floss
Receive 20% off the entire line over 12 months.
24 skeins per month - $55.68/mo.
Fiber Details:
Weeks Dye Works is a 6-ply hand over-dyed Egyptian cotton embroidery floss. The colors are variegated enough to be noticeable, yet subtle enough to blend naturally.
285 variegated colors
5 yards per skein, Made in USA
Tips & Tricks:
To help keep the strands perfectly flat and smooth, the use of a laying tool is recommended.
When stitching with variegated colors if you want to continue the color order, thread your needle with the opposite end of the thread and begin stitching.
Recommended Use:
18 mesh use four strands. Add an additional strand for long straight stitches
13 mesh use six strands. Add and additional strand for long straight stitches
Congress Cloth use two strands